Rules of conference participation

  1. The participant of the event — an individual ticket holder at the «C++ Russia 2025» and authorizated at
    The event was organized by: JUG.RU GROUP LTD.
    Principal State Registration No. : 1177847388465.
    Corporate address: 199004, 9th line V.O., 34А, office № 500, St. Petersburg, Russia.
    Working hours: Monday-Friday; 10:00 — 19:00.
    Contact number +7 (812) 904-42-12.

  2. By authorization on the organaizer’s websites, the participant accepts following rules.

  3. The participant able to:

    • Attend all venues of the Event
    • Take part in all kind of organized discussions (for Standard Tickets Users only)
    • Ask questions to speakers at the time allotted for discussions (for Standard Tickets Users only)
  4. At the Event it is prohibited to:

    • use any device or software for photographing, sound recording, direct or repeated broadcasting, sending reports and presentations at all meetings, seminars and other venues of the Event, without any explicit permission from Organizer;
    • reproduce, repeat, download, copy, sell, provide third parties with access to videos received from the Organizer;
    • organize an access to the online broadcast of the Event to third parties;
    • sell, advertise any kind of goods, services, vacancies, excepting those that were previously agreed with the Organizer;
    • upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/or distribute information that is illegal, harmful, defamatory, offends morals, demonstrates (or is propaganda of) violence and cruelty, violates intellectual property rights, promotes hatred and/or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, contains insults to any persons or organizations, contains elements (or is propaganda of) pornography, child erotica, or is an advertisement (or is propaganda) of sexual services (including under the guise of other services), explains the procedure for the manufacture, use or other use of narcotic substances or their analogues, explosives or other weapons;
    • behave in a way that could be regarded as infringing, insulting or humiliating to other participants of the Event. Offensive language or imagery is not supported or tolerated in any form at the Event.

    The Attendee of the Event who violates one or more of the prohibitions listed above may be suspended from further participation in the Event without reimbursing the cost of the Ticket, (by Organizer’s decision), unless otherwise provided by the law of the Russian Federation.

  5. The Participant of the Event shall grant the Organizer the right to take the Participant of the Event by photo or video during the Event, the right to make public and further use, reproduction, distribution (including in the Internet), bringing to public notice, processing, public display, broadcasting and transmission by cable the image of the Participant of the Event contained in the video recordings and photos to be taken during the Event, in which the image of the Participant of the Event is presented in full or in fragments (including The image of the Participant of the Event (original and/or copies) may be used by the Organizer for statutory purposes by any means not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation (including, inter alia, media coverage, marketing and advertising), without paying any remuneration to the Participant of the Event, with or without mentioning the name of the Participant of the Event.
    The Participant of the Event agrees that the Organizer is the owner of the exclusive copyrights to the photos and videos created during the Event.

  6. Presentations and all related materials offered during the Event, as well as recommendations of speakers in the discussion areas of the Event shall be provided to the Participant of the Event for information purposes only.
    The organizer does not provide any guarantees that the results obtained by the Participant of the Event when applying the proposed information will be accurate, reliable and meet the expectations of the Participant of the Event.

  7. The organizer shall not be liable for any losses incurred due to the use or inability to use the information obtained at the Event in person, by watching the online broadcast of the Event or on the Event website.