Teaching Сompilers: a Look at the Past and the Future
Peter Sovietov
Company: RTU MIREA
Evgeny Zouev
Company: Innopolis University
Dmitry Melnik
Company: ISP RAS
Company: ISP RAS
Since 2005 he has been developing compiler optimizations and improving performance of generated code in static and dynamic compilers. Took part in developing optimizations in GCC and LLVM open source compilers, JavaScript execution environments - WebKit (JavaScriptCore) and V8, as well as JIT compiler for executing SQL queries in PostgreSQL using LLVM compiler. Repeatedly presented at core developer conferences (GCC, LLVM, PostgreSQL). Author of more than 20 scientific papers. Leads tulchain development and compiler optimization group in ISP RAS.
Company: RTU MIREA
Company: Innopolis University
Company: ISP RAS
Company: ISP RAS