Call for papers is closed

We will be glad to see your proposals next season!

Personal account of the speaker

Instant access to all your proposals. You may track their workflow and edit them in your personal account.

Sign in

We are interested in the following topics

If you have an interesting idea on a topic that is not on the list we will be happy to consider your proposal anyway!

  • Modern C++
  • Experience of using C++ in the industry
  • New ideas and C++ proposals
  • C++ libraries
  • C++ tooling (refactoring, analysis, debugging, build systems, etc.)
  • Testing C++ projects
  • Concurrent, asynchronous, and competitive programming
  • Metaprogramming
  • C++ programming paradigms
  • C++ compilers
  • Performance and benchmarks.
  • System programming
  • Security
  • C++ for Fun.
  • Distributed systems
  • Embedded systems
  • High-load systems
  • GameDev.
  • Other topics that may be of interest to C++ developers


Check out what’s been happening at past C++ Russia conferences


Submission process

  1. You submit your proposal

  2. +1-2 days

    We contact you

  3. + 5 days

    You discuss your content with your PC member

  4. Convenient time for you

    You rehearse and prepare for your session

  5. December 28

    We close CFP

  6. The end of January

    We let you know about our final decision

  7. Convenient time for you

    We help you get your content ready for production

  8. March 20–21

    You give your session at the conference

Program committee

Each proposal will be examined by at least three reviewers from the Program Committee.

Selection process

  • Originality

    There is novelty in your session; the content either hasn’t been published before or presents a well-known topic / problem in a different light.

  • Expertise

    You have experience and have completed projects in the field in question. The topic of your presentation is sound. You have a good understanding of what you are talking about and have been involved in the implementation of the project you are describing.

  • Speaking experience

    If you have experience in speaking at conferences and meetups, this will be a great advantage. If this is your first presentation, be prepared to rehearse and practice.

  • Practical applicability

    The content is important from a practical point of view and you not only cover the existing problems / solutions, but also share your experience.

  • Depth

    Your talk reveals the subject deeply and comprehensively. There is no need to talk about yet another Hello World (unless you think it’s a new, not widely known, but very promising technology).

  • Relevance

    You are going to discuss things that participants of the conference find useful not only yesterday but also today and in the future. In addition, the topic of your session matches the theme of the conference, and the content you are going to present matches the stated description.

Additional information

  • If you are submitting on behalf of another person, please fill the form using the speaker’s contact information. You can leave your contacts in the last form field (the one which asks about a co-speaker or comments).

  • If you feel like you need help to prepare your session you can count on us: we can appoint a personal curator who will review your material and organize rehearsals.

  • Usually, we contact applicants within a week after the submission. If that hasn’t happened, feel free to contact us via email at Also, don’t forget to read the speaker’s memo.