
Ecosystem around the OS: What tools does the developer need?

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

The healthy operating system should not just execute program requests, their loading, execution, et cetera — it should also provide an ecosystem for developers that simplifies the development of software for it.

We will provide an overview of several ecosystems around the OS (Android NDK, Fuchsia IDK, Tizen SDK and others), on the example of which we will form our idea of the ideal ecosystem of a C++ developer.

We will also tell you about the new features in the Kaspersky OS SDK and how we are trying to simplify the development process.

  • #android
  • #android sdk
  • #buildtools
  • #embedded
  • #fuchsiasdk
  • #kos
  • #mobile
  • #sdk
  • #tizensdk
  • #tools


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