Nicolai Josuttis

Nicolai Josuttis

Компания: Автор книг «The C++ Standard Library» и «C++ Templates»

Nicolai Josuttis is an independent systems architect, technical manager, author, and consultant. He designs mid-sized and large software systems for the telecommunication, traffic, finance, and manufacturing industries.

He is well known in the C++ Community for speaking and writing with authority about C++ (being the author of The C++ Standard Library and C++ Templates) but is also an innovative presenter.

He is an active member of C++ standardization committee for almost 20 years now.

Выступления в сезоне 2019

  • Смотреть запись

    C++17 — the biggest traps

    • Nicolai Josuttis

      Компания: Автор книг «The C++ Standard Library» и «C++ Templates»